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Radiology services [1-23]

Radiology services [1-23]

Hendricks Community Hospital strives to serve Hendricks and our surrounding communities. To inform our area patrons, we will be publishing topics in our area newspapers about the services and specialties we offer at our local level. Various topics will be covered throughout the next several months to ensure our community is provided with the best knowledge in making their healthcare choices. Our goal is that you enjoy reading more about the services we provide and feel more confident in your decision-making.


Diagnosis and Treatment Using Radiology at HCHA

By Kennedy Tesch


In developing a plan of care, many times radiology is used as a tool to help our physicians with diagnosis and treatment. Radiology can give providers a lot of useful diagnostic information in a short amount of time. With our current electronic medical record system at HCHA, we can also look back at previous images and scans to compare past radiology visits to help with a more complete diagnosis.


Radiology is a process used to take pictures and scans of the inside of your body through X-rays; mammography; dual x-ray absorptiometry or DEXA, which are scans that measure bone density; computed tomography or CT, which can produce scans all over your body; and MRI or magnetic resonance imaging, which can take detailed images in almost every internal structure in the body.


Radiology can determine the course of treatment for various circumstances. For example, if a patient is having severe headaches or presents with stroke like symptoms, a head CT is done to ensure there isn’t a bleed somewhere in the brain. Patients could also see the radiologist when there are abnormalities on their scans from a mammogram or if a patient is required to have any fluoroscopy procedures done. Radiology can be used for an accident as simple as slipping on the ice and experiencing pain symptoms to help determine their next course of action.


HCHA offers various radiology services including X-Ray, CT, Mammography, DEXA, ultrasounds on Monday and Wednesday, and the MRI truck on scheduled dates. At HCHA, there are four radiology technologists on staff in the radiology department ready to serve you: Falon Paluch RT(R), Amanda Cone RT(R), Danielle Lacek RT(R), and Jayden Fuller RT(R).


“I really enjoy the patient interaction we get, as well as our part in providing useful information to the doctors,” said Danielle Lacek RT(R). “What I find the most unique about our department versus outside facilities is the ability to get patients in right away for exams. I also enjoy how close we work with other departments within the hospital and clinic.”


Radiology services are available to you when your medical provider feels something needs to be further examined during a clinic or emergency room visit.


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