Hendricks Memorial Healthcare Foundation

Auxiliary Projects
Some of the projects the Auxiliary has provided funding for in the past few years include:
Wheelchair Accessible Van
The Foundation and Hospital Auxiliary both donated large amounts toward the purchase of a new wheelchair accessible van which will be very beneficial for nursing home or assisted living residents, or even hospital patients to be able to access needed services, or to attend fun events.

HCHA Colonoscopy, Endoscopy scopes
The Foundation and Hospital Auxiliary both donated large amounts toward the purchase of new equipment used for Endoscopies (seeing down the esophagus), Colonoscopies (seeing the colon), and Cystoscopies (seeing the bladder). The purchase consisted of two Endoscopes, two Colonoscopes, and one Cystoscope. It also included the purchase of a new Computerized Tower which connects the scopes with a monitor to allow the surgeon to see the procedure, along with a new larger monitor; a new scope system that allows us to use carbon dioxide instead of regular oxygen, which is easier for the body to absorb so there are less problems with bloating after the procedure. We also purchased a new DSD Edge, which cleans the scopes, a Scope Buddy - which helps speed up the prewash of scopes, an Instrument Washer for pre-washing instruments prior to sterilization, and a cabinet for storage of the scopes.
Piano for Lincoln Lane Villa
Hospital scale
Infusion pumps
Beauty shop hair dryer
Phlebotomy cart
EKG machine
Activity area chairs
Clinic exam tables
ER stretcher
Conference room tables
Nursing home Medication system
Nursing home bathtub
Nursing home ice cream machine
Lincoln Lane Villa chairs
Scoop stretcher
New tablecloths / dishes